Cookie Policy

Our XLAB d.o.o. (hereinafter also “we”, “our”, “us”, “XLAB”) website on domain name use cookies (“Cookies”).

As almost every website out there, also our websites use cookies to improve your browsing experience. This Cookie Policy describes what cookies are, what information they contain, how we use them and why we sometimes need to store these cookies. We also share how you can prevent these cookies from being stored, however, disabling cookies may cause the website to stop working properly.

Please, read our Cookie Policy carefully and let us know at [email protected] if anything is unclear.

Note that, from time to time, we may change our Cookie Policy. We may also change our practices regarding the use of cookies. We reserve the right to do so at any point for whichever reason, with or without notice. Nevertheless, if and when we do so, we will notify you by posting an announcement on our websites and, if necessary, we will also ask for your permission. This Cookie Policy was last modified on December 20, 2022.

Our Cookie Policy as well as cookie practices are in full compliance with the Directive on privacy and electronic communications (Directive 2002/58/EC) as well as the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), the rules on the processing of Slovenian personal data and the provisions of the Information Commissioner of the Republic of Slovenia (

What are cookies?

Cookies are small bits of record-keeping information, tiny text files, which are automatically generated and stored on your computer by your browser when you visit a certain website. Cookies are then sent back to the originating website on each subsequent visit.

There are many functions cookies serve. Namely, they can enable the website to remember your preferences, such as your preferred language. They can store your login data, so you do not have to keep re-entering it. They can help analyze how well the website is performing, and more. Most cookies are established to improve user’s current experience and future interaction.

Depending on the functionality and the purpose of cookies, they can store different kinds of information. Cookies can contain names, email addresses, phone numbers and/or other personal data, or they can contain only anonymous information needed for better functionality of the website.

Cookies remain on your computer for different periods of time. Some cookies exist only while your website is open and are deleted automatically once you close your browser. These are session cookies. Other cookies, known as permanent cookies, can survive after your browser is closed and can be used to recognize your computer whenever you come back to a website. Necessary cookies are required to operate website. Website cannot function properly without these cookies, and they are automatically enabled on our website upon your visit, and they cannot be disabled.

There are two broad categories of cookies. First-party cookies are served directly by the website you are visiting. Third-party cookies are served by a third party on behalf of the website you are visiting.

Note that cookies are not viruses. they are not compiled pieces of software code, so they cannot be executed nor are they self-executing. they also cannot make copies of themselves and spread to other networks to execute and replicate again.

For more information about cookies in general, please see, whereas below you will find out everything about the concrete cookies we use on our websites.

What cookies do we use and why?

Our websites only use the following cookies, which are permanent but stored for a limited duration, and anonymous as they do not collect or store any personal data.

Essential cookies

steampunk.sicookiesDirectiveNo expiryStores information about whether the user enabled analytics and marketing cookies or not.First party
spotter.steampunk.sicookiesDirectiveNo expiryStores information about whether the user enabled analytics cookies or not.First party
spotter.steampunk.sicurrentOrganizationNo expiryStores the current organization ID you selected the last time you left the application.First party
spotter.steampunk.sijwtAccessToken5 minutesThe session's access token is used in each API call to verify that the user was authenticated.First party
spotter.steampunk.sirefreshAccessToken1 yearThe session's refresh token is used to get a new access (and refresh token) when the existing access token expires.First party

Analytics cookies

ph_phcP1 yearUsed by PostHog to collect and analyze data to provide insights into user behavior.First party
Posthog_cfsrftoken1 yearSet by PostHog to ensure the security of form submissions and other potentially sensitive actions within the application.First party
steampunk.si_reb2bsessionID30 minutesUsed to store user’s session identifier during their interaction with a website.First party
steampunk.si_reb2bloaded1 secondUsed for tracking user sessions and behavior to improve website functionality and user experience.First party
steampunk.si_reb2bgeo21 daysUsed for optimizing user experience by tailoring content according to the user’s geographical area.First party
steampunk.si_reb2bref15 daysUsed to help us optimize our referral traffic and better understand the channels driving users to our site.First party
steampunk.si_reb2buid1 yearUsed for maintaining user preferences, tracking recurring visitors, and potentially delivering more relevant content.First party

Marketing cookies

steampunk.siUserMatchHistory30 daysLinkedIn Ads ID syncingThird party
steampunk.siAnalyticsSyncHistory30 daysStore information about the time a sync took place with the lms_analytics cookie.Third party
steampunk.silangSessionSets default locale/language.Third party
steampunk.sibcookie2 yearsBrowser ID cookie.Third party
steampunk.silidc1 dayStore performed actions on the website.Third party
steampunk.sili_gc6 monthsStore consent of guests regarding the use of cookies for non-essential purposes.Third party
steampunk.siln_or1 dayUsed to determine if Oribi analytics can be carried out on a specific domain.Third party
steampunk.siNID6 monthsUsed to show Google ads in Google services for signed-out users.Third party
steampunk.siANID, IDE13 months/ 24 monthsUsed to show Google ads on non-Google sites.Third party
steampunk.siDSID2 weeksUsed to identify a signed-in user on non-Google sites and to remember whether the user has agreed to ad personalization.Third party
steampunk.si_gads13 monthsEnables sites to show Google ads.Third party
_gcl_90 daysUsed to measure ad and campaign performance and conversion rates for Google ads.Third party
ad_user_dataFunction as on/off switches based on user consent and remain active until user changes their mind.Sets consent for sending user data related to advertising to Google.
ad_personalizationFunction as on/off switches based on user consent and remain active until user changes their mind.Sets consent for personalized advertising.

You can manage your cookie settings at any time here.

How to control cookies?

Cookies help you get the most out of our websites. However, you can enable, disable or delete cookies within the settings of your browser at any time. To do so, please follow the instructions provided by your browser (usually located within the “Help”, “Tools” or “Edit” menu):

Note that disabling cookies does not delete cookies from your browser; you will need to do this by yourself from within your browser by choosing the option to delete cookies.

If you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including any essential cookies needed for proper functioning of a website) please note that our websites may not be working properly.

If you have any further questions regarding cookies, our Cookie Policy, or our cookie practices, please contact us at [email protected].