Ansible Collections
How to benefit from Ansible Collections
December 5, 2019 - Words by Jasna Simončič - 3 min read
Today, we can’t imagine managing complex IT environments without efficient automation, and luckily, we don’t have to owing to ingenious tools such as Ansible.
More than four million customer systems worldwide are automated by Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform, so there’s a big chance your clients are using it. And an even bigger chance they want to use it with your product. Help them by integrating it with Ansible. And let us help you do it.
By designing, developing, maintaining and supporting Ansible Content Collections.
What are collections anyway and why you shouldn’t miss out on them?
To make enterprise automation even more efficient, Red Hat launched Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and combined powerful Ansible solutions with new capabilities, such as Certified Content Collections and Automation Hub . Collections are a new method of distributing, managing, and consuming Ansible content. You can find certified, which means fully supported Ansible content, such as modules, roles, plugins, playbooks all in one place, called the Automation Hub.

Certified Collections in Automation Hub
And platform did not only bring a whole new way of organizing Ansible content but a whole lot of benefits, too. For you and your users.
Ansible Content Collections simplify and accelerate delivering and consuming content. With the introduction of collections, Ansible content no longer needs to be a part of the Ansible core, so it’s no longer tied to the Ansible release cycle . That means you can keep up the pace with the demands: new functionalities of existing service or a completely new service can be rolled out along with the ability to automate it. Modules can now be improved and updated independently of Ansible release cycle.
And because collections come prepacked with modules, roles, plugins, and also the corresponding documentation, your users can start automating right away.
How to benefit from collections even more?
Another big benefit collections bring is that all content in Automation Hub is certified - that means fully supported and maintained by Red Hat and partners. Your users always have someone to turn to for help if issues occur (and that someone doesn’t have to be you).
By becoming Ansible Automation Platform Certified Partner you offer your users trusted, secure, and reliable way of automating your product, since certified Ansible content undergoes rigorous evaluation and testing. And most importantly, you assure them the content is maintained and supported.

Ansible Automation Platform Certified Partners
Certified Ansible Collections doubtlessly bring comprehensive benefits. They enable building focused, defined packages of content, enable users to consume fully formed solutions, and they make a product stand out.
Trust XLAB Steampunk for Ansible Content Collections
Focusing on your core product, keeping it up to the latest trends and demands, and simultaneously taking care of relevant collections can be overwhelming. Sometimes, you just can’t do everything by yourself. And you shouldn’t. This is where we come into the picture.
If you need high-quality Ansible collections, but lack the resources, expertise or simply time - we’re here for you. Trust our experts to design and maintain Ansible Content Collections for your products so you focus on your core mission instead.
Want even more? We can help you become Ansible Automation Platform Certified Partner yourself by guiding you through the process making your collection certified and a part of the Automation Hub. Rely on us to keep your content relevant. Your users can open a support ticket when an issue occurs and we will resolve it, freeing your time to deal with your product.
We’ve done it with Sensu - we can do it with you.

Ansible Automation Platform Certification process
Simplify work, says Red Hat. So go ahead, make your users’ lives simpler - and make yours simpler, too, while you’re at it. Get in touch with us and let strong expertise of a committed partner help you out. Contact us at [email protected] and keep up with what we do on Twitter and LinkedIn .